Order & Shipping
Return & Exchanges
Order & Shipping
How long will it take to receive my order?

This will depend on the queue of orders, however it will never take more then 3-4 days for your order to be complete.

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Order & Shipping
What is your return / refund policy?

PayPal & eBay Stealth Accounts Policy:

- No refunds (There are exceptions read below)

- As long as you follow the tips on what I say when the account is delivered to you then you will not be suspended, so no reason needed for a return / refund.

- If the order has not been started yet and you didn't read all the pop ups before you ordered. For example you didn't realise you needed a bank in the country of the stealth you wanted then you will definitely be refunded.

eBay Dropshipping Product Research Policy:

- No refunds / redos as you will receive the products of whatever you ask for in the order requirements (Country of products etc)

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Order & Shipping
What countries can you do stealth accounts for?

All countries, as long as you provide me the information which is covered on the product pages. 

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Order & Shipping
Are the products you research same country shipment?

Yes of course. Without domestic shipping dropshipping is completely pointless! You will get suspended extremely quickly if you are shipping from example China.

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Order & Shipping
Can you do product research for all countries?

Yes of course. I will do product research for every single country that is available on eBay.

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